Long Covid On Demand
We have put together a free tool kit of films and audio files that you can do in your own time.
These resources are designed to help you manage the symptoms of long Covid; SB Health recognises these symptoms can be debilitating and life changing.
These resources should be combined with maintaining healthy physical, mental and emotional energy levels.
Please avoid doing anything that causes you discomfort or makes any of your symptoms worse. If you have any concerns, SB Health recommends seeking medical advice.
What can I expect?
Each resource includes:
- Directions to help you ‘check in’ with your body and notice how you are feeling
- Gentle movement for strength and mobility
- Breathing exercises
- Guidance to help you manage your energy flow for fatigue
- Seated, standing, and lying down options – you choose what feels good for you
- Clear safety guidelines
- Specially composed music
How do I take part?
Each of the resources can be done from a seated, lying down or standing position. You can pause or stop the resources at any point. You may choose to do a single resource, a combination, or you might prefer to only do part of one. The most important thing is you do what feels comfortable for you.
We hope these resources will support you to explore your moving and breathing body gently and calmly.
You can register to view these resources at the bottom of the page. Please read the Health and Safety information and Inclusion Criteria before registering.
If you have already registered, you can view the resources by logging into your account. Click on ‘My Account’ then ‘View your digital bookings’.
Health and Safety
When using these resources please ensure that you:
- Check your surrounding area for any trip or slip hazards
- Are wearing clothes and footwear you can move comfortably in
- Can easily reach your arms out to the side and above without touching anything
- Only do what feels safe and comfortable for you

Inclusion Criteria
Please carefully read the following questions:
- Were you hospitalised by Covid?
- Were you in ICU with Covid?
- Have you experienced loss of consciousness when standing?
- Have you experienced heart palpitations?
- Have you experienced chest pains?
- Do you experience prolonged coughing?
If you answer YES to any of the above questions please DO NOT use these resources until you have spoken to your GP/Health Care Provider.