At home with the Associates
As ballet companies around the world are adjusting with grace and poise to a new way of working, so too are our Associates!
Scottish Ballet’s Associate Programme provides classically based training for boys and girls from Primary 5 to Secondary 5. Its aim is to develop confident, dedicated and motivated dancers by supplementing the training provided by local dance teachers.
Amid the covid-19 lockdown, the programme has made a swift transition to a digital mode of delivery and is now offering 20 classes every week for 200+ Associates at all levels.
The digital offering includes Zoom classes in ballet, contemporary, creative, conditioning, pointe, and coaching, all accompanied by a live musician. Special sessions have also been scheduled with SB dancers, including a Q&A with Marge Hendrick, yoga with Constance Devernay, and others with Jamie Reid, Araminta Wraith, Constant Vigier, and more.
This new way of working not only allows the Associates to continue dancing together, but also supports the social bonds that are a crucial part of the programme.
We’re delighted that all Associates have continued with their training since the social distancing measures have been in place.
We really appreciate the time and effort that has gone into creating and arranging the online classes, and it’s wonderful that training can continue giving all the students something positive to focus on when circumstances can seem somewhat overwhelming for them at times.
Associate Parent