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Ishan Mahabir-Stokes

Former Artist

Joined Scottish Ballet: 2022

Left Scottish Ballet: 2025

Training: The Young Dancers Academy & The Royal Ballet School 

Whatever you do, just keep telling stories.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? 
Whatever you do, just keep telling stories. 

What’s your dream role to perform?
I think every male dancer at some point or another wants a chance to play Romeo. But over the years I think I’ve realised I would equally enjoy Tybalt or Mercutio. Romeo & Juliet is great for male characters. 

What do you like to do on your days off?
A couple of hours at the keyboard, trying to write something profound. Usually I can’t find the right words or melody so get frustrated, consequently I go and cook whatever’s in the fridge with as many spices as I can. Something like this or a slight variation on this theme. 

What does ‘home’ mean to you?
Home will always be defined for me as London. It’s all I’ve ever known, a special place where anyone can be anything, and no eyebrows are ever raised. I’m always my most safe and secure by the Thames, but the Clyde is swiftly staking its claim too.  

What makes you smile? 
Watching live performance and seeing the performer enjoying themself. My mum’s curries. Star Wars 

What’s something people might not know about you?
I’m a sucker for French novels. I still haven’t recovered from Les Mis, honestly epic. 

What’s your favourite book/movie?
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. The world, the characters, the language… it’s a very special book to me. Plus, when I saw Dev Patel take the lead role in the film adaptation in 2019, it instantly became my favourite film too. The casting is colour-blind, and I implore more people to give it a watch. I know Dickens isn’t for everyone, but, in my opinion, David Copperfield should be.  

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Time traveller 

Repertoire Highlights: Ringmaster/Zac (The Snow Queen)