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Graceful hands against a grey background.

Health at Hand® On Demand

Movement and breath sessions for health and social care professionals, and unpaid carers

These pre-recorded sessions can be used by small groups of staff together in office/corridor spaces with a laptop screen/tablet during handover or team time or alone at home. They are also ideal for unpaid carers and care partners to follow at home to promote physical and mental balance.

The programme also includes a filmed session specially created for children.


I feel like I have been to a lovely relaxing class at the gym.  Thank you. I feel lifted and relieved and hope to replay your session on a daily basis. Nothing short of amazing!!

NHS Hospital Secretary


Energise, Rejuvenate, and Relax 10-minute sessions are led by Dance Health Programme Manager Tiffany Stott. Tiffany is an experienced dance artist and physical trainer, with a specialist background in dance science and injury prevention.

Restore 20-minute sessions are led by Creative Health Associate Rhiana Laws. Rhiana has 20 years’ experience working with vulnerable and ‘at risk’ people through dance and is a regular supportive presence in health & social care settings.

Restore is designed to be used alone at home or in another suitable safe space.