Support us
As a charity Scottish Ballet relies on philanthropic and corporate support, alongside that of trusts and foundations, to ensure the brightest future for the company.
With your support we can expand Scottish Ballet’s unique repertoire with fresh new works, produce and present work at home and abroad, provide opportunities for new choreographic talent to flourish, and deliver cutting edge creative and engagement projects that inspire audiences and transform lives.

Corporate Support
Find out more about Scottish Ballet’s corporate partnerships with purpose.

Become a Patron
Experience Scottish Ballet in a way that places you at the centre of the work we do.

Donate to Scottish Ballet
Discover the different ways you can support your national dance company.

Trusts & Foundations
Would you like to make an award to Scottish Ballet through a trust or foundation?

Leave a gift in your Will
Leaving a gift in your Will provides long-term support to inspire onstage and beyond.
Company Values
Scottish Ballet seeks to accept funding support from organisations and individuals that align with the company’s values of Inclusion, Excellence and Innovation. This means being an active ally to organisations and individuals who demonstrate a sustained commitment to anti-racism and being inclusive to all protected characteristics. It also means initiating and maintaining relationships with organisations and individuals who protect the environment from misuse. We hope our patrons will also consider these values as ambassadors of the company.
Fundraising Code of Practice
Scottish Ballet makes a commitment to individuals, trusts and foundations that make financial contributions towards our work; to be honest and transparent, respect privacy, and apply gifts responsibly to their intended purpose. Scottish Ballet undertakes to comply with all relevant laws including tax legislation, the Data Protection Act 1998, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, and the Institute of Fundraising’s Code of Fundraising Practice.
Scottish Ballet adheres to the Fundraising Code of Practice four key principles: legal, open, honest and respectful.
If, however, you have a concern or complaint about Scottish Ballet’s fundraising practices, in the first instance we ask that you submit your concern in writing to the Executive Director. We will endeavour to resolve the matter, however, if you are not satisfied with the resolution, your concern will be referred to Scottish Ballet’s Board of Directors.
Complaints that can’t be resolved by Scottish Ballet will be referred to the Independent Fundraising Standards and Adjudication Panel for Scotland (the Panel), which will consider the complaint, decide if the charity has breached the Fundraising Code of Practice and make recommendations for remedial action. It will also consider whether there is a regulatory concern to report to OSCR (Scottish Charity Regulator).